Monday, March 16, 2009

Saint Francis spawned such a nice city!

From last Wednesday until yesterday, we were in San Francisco!

Chance, our friend Natalie, and I drove there, and I had soooo much fun! To summarize, we drank boba from the most famous Chinatown outside of China probably and bought many cute and cheap decorations (lantern, butterfly hangings), we danced to jazz and 50's music and got drunk at a bar, which I got into by using Chance's friends ID, we took shrooms at Golden Gate Park, where we layed around, looking at the insane clouds and other people who were also on drugs, we visited many San Francisco neighborhoods (Haight and Ashberry, Chinatown, Little Italy, Russian Hill, downtown, the Mission, the Castro, and they were all so beautiful and distinct from one another), we ate lots of yummy and expensive food (which was vegan for the most part, so twice as good to me than it actually tasted), we stayed at the oldest and proabably one of the fanciest hotels in San Francisco for a night (it was called The Palace), where we took a bath while drinking whiskey and pretending to be rich, we went to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (which had weird and interesting exhibits), and so many other things!

Overall, what I have to say about San Francisco is that it has to be one of the most beautiful cities to ever exist! There are so many nice and so weird people, and I want to go back soon! It made me feel so happy just walking around, holding hands.