Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Taking a break from Sims to leave the house

Last night, I had to choose between the Half Blood Prince midnight premier and a "secret" midnight Dave Chappelle show at Pioneer Square!! The Harry Potter tickets for midnight were sold out, so we saw it at 3 instead. Dave Chappelle actually showed up, he was on the stage, so close, talking into a baby amp, and no one could hear him! The huge audience was so distinctly Portlandish that there were two men and a woman, getting naked, waving around a bottle of Jack Daniels on a rooftop of a Starbucks, about to have sex, almost falling off. Harry Potter was disappointing too, with hardly any build-up of Voldemort! The cave scene was really good though, once I got over how horrible the Dumbledore casting of those movies is! What was supposed to be the best night ever turned out to be a waaam womp