Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm sick!

The other day I read about a skin condition called dermagraphia. I figured out that I have that shit! For years, I've had crazy red itchy bug-bite looking things on my skin that go away after half an hour, but I finally figured out why they happen! From what I can tell, I only have a mild case. "Symptoms can be induced by stress, tight or abrasive clothing, watches, glasses, energetic kissing, heat, cold, or anything that causes stress to the skin or the patient. In many cases it is merely a minor annoyance, but in some rare cases symptoms are severe enough to impact a patient's life". Haha, energetic kissing!

I am also sick, even more!, of school. I have one more huge hurdle and a few baby ones. Then, I am free. Not a single time in my life before this will I have felt as free! NO MORE POLITICAL SCIENCE!

Then, only a month in Las Vegas. THEN Portland in the summertime! It all sounds pretty pretty good

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