Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life of Gluttony

The other day, I stayed after my philosophy class to talk about the self-centeredness of Hegel and western philosophy with my professor. The next class, he made a lesson about the things we talked about! I felt so wanted and loved in the major of philosophy!

Yesterday Chance and I watched Coraline, which was adorable. The story was so creative, and the animation was so cool! Also, the Clive Owen movie, The International, which was a long and boringass movie with an ending scene that made it kind of okay to have wasted some time watching the rest. James Bond without no Bond girl or James Bond. We shared a tiny box of sad nachos that still tasted pretty good, and we drank chocolate milkshakes.

Then we bought more food at the grocery store, more ice cream, and the old cashier man that was managing the self check-out asked if I needed help carrying all the ice cream. Then we smoked weed even though I had a ton of homework.

Today I woke up early and pretty dead from the night before and experienced a sunny day in Portland!

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