Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day = Christmas & Thanksgiving put together

I ate about as much as two other holidays! Needless to say, I had a wonderful day yesterday =) =) =)

Woke up at 2:30, got fed heart shaped banana peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes (the shape does affect the taste) which were so delicious, went downtown planning to eat appetizers at a bunch of places and no meals, got a beeper at P.F. Chang's because there was a 2 1/2 hour wait, ate yummy rice paper roll things at Thai Peacock, went to Powell's to waste time but the P.F. Chang's beeper kept beeping and being embarrassing, bought a book about Tao, ate an appetizer and meal at P.F. Chang's (cabbage wraps with fake meat filling, yummy tofu broccoli and rice), took indecent photo booth pictures, ate a chocolaty, delicious tiramisu cup, drank sweet wine that tasted so good with chocolate, played Wii, cuddled, went to deep deep sleep! All day I felt like nothing could touch me! I felt like it was my world for the day, and I could kiss and cuddle Chance to death and didn't have to think about anything else!!!

That is why I have so much homework today!

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