Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day off from school

Today me and Chance went to Fred Meyer and bought enough food for our family of 4. Me, him, my stomach, his stomach. We watched Big Love, which SOMEHOW has found new story-lines. I thought everything that could ever be conceived had already happened on that show. Also, I skipped school for the first time this semester. It's so nice to only go to school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, because no matter what day I skip, I get a weekend out of it by not having school 2 days in a row. Since I didn't go to where I pay to be, I felt slightly better about that because we went to the food stamps office. There, I found out, surprise surprise, no one is going to give me food stamps. Chance only got $17 a month, which makes me think that the government is stingy as well as not as stupid as I thought. We rode bikes there, and I re-realized again how much I love Portland. I realize this more frequently every time the weather warms up (yes, weather Sarah). Today I found out that the first openly gay mayor of a major city, beautiful Portland, gave an important job to an unqualified reporter because he was afraid she would expose his romance with an 18 year old. I don't understand this. I would only respect this man more if I heard that! 18 year old booty!! I want some 18 year old booty and I'm only slightly 19!

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